Buying leeks is easy, they are usually rubber banded together into groups of 2 or 3 depending on your market. I find 3 nice size leeks to be perfect for 2-3 servings so you can up-size based on your needs. Fresh leeks have a dark green leaf on top which fades to white on the bottom. When selecting leeks the bottom (the white part) should be firm and solid if there is any real give pass them by because they are really old.
2 Tbs Olive Oil
1 Tbs Unsalted Butter
1/3 Cup White Wine
3 Large Leeks

In your favorite straight sided sautee pan add the olive oil and butter and heat the pan on high heat until the butter is completely melted and stopped bubbling. The bubbling is the water in the butter boiling off. When the pan is ready add your leeks.
Stirring occasionally let the leeks cook until they start to get a little brown on the edges and are tender all the way through, about 5-7 minutes depending on the quantity. Without lowering the heat add your wine. Stir your leeks in the wine to make sure they are all treated to nice drink. Cook until almost all of the wine is gone.
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